BAROTRAUMA Copyright © Undertow Games 2017-2018 Default controls: WASD - move Shift - run E - use/activate items and devices Right click - aim with equipped item Left click - use equipped item C - open the crew command menu Left control - crouch Tab - select/deselect the chat box in multiplayer mode Tilde - select the chat box in multiplayer mode and set the message to be sent through the radio Space - hold to stay in ragdoll mode F3 - open/close the debug console See the wiki for more detailed info and instructions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Port forwarding: You may try to forward ports on your router using UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) port forwarding by selecting "Attempt UPnP port forwarding" in the "Host Server" menu. However, UPnP isn't supported by all routers, so you may need to setup port forwards manually. The exact steps for forwarding a port depend on your router's model, but you may be able to find a port forwarding guide for your particular router/application on or by practicing your google-fu skills. These are the values that you should use when forwarding a port to your Barotrauma server: Service/Application: barotrauma External Port: The port you have selected for your server (14242 by default) Internal Port: The port you have selected for your server (14242 by default) Protocol: UDP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Programming, graphics, sounds, game design - Joonas Rikkonen ("Regalis") Graphics - James Bear ("Moonsaber99") Programming - Sebastian Broberg Programming - Juan Pablo Arce ("juanjp600") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The Descent", "Enter the Maze", "Road to Hell", "Simplex", "Unseen Horrors" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lidgren.Network networking library - Michael Lidgren ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sound effects: metal whining and screeching - ScottFerguson1 metal gate 10 - thencamenow foil_expanding_multiple - markb Bug Zapper_Many medium zaps - CGEffex ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Textures from the PK01, PK02 and Ancient Collection Texture packages by Philip Klevestav are used in some of the sprites in the game. The texture packages are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (