Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Select Local and select your OS and x86_64 and click the Download OpenShift Local.

Image Removed

Once downloaded, run the package.

Image Removed

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

Install OC Client

Code Block
crc oc-env


Code Block
crc setup

Image Removed


Configure our cpus, memory and disk size.

Version 2.33.0

"crcVersion": "2.33.0",

"gitSha": "c43b17",

"openshiftVersion": "4.14.12",

"podmanVersion": "4.4.4"


Image Added

Once downloaded, run the package.

Image Added

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

Install OC Client

Code Block
crc oc-env


Set configuration:

Code Block
Code Block
crc config set cpus 6
crc config get cpus   

crc config set memorycpus 1600010
crc config getset memory 30000

crc config set disk-size 120
crc config get disk-size

Changes made while the cluster is running will require a restart before the changes are applied. 

Code Block
crc stop
crc start
host-network-access true

Verify configurationFor a full list of configuration parameters issue the following command:

Code Block
crc config
Code Block
- consent-telemetry      
Code Block
Modifies crc configuration properties.

* bundle               : no
- cpus              Bundle path/URI - absolute or local path, http, https or docker URI (string, like '', 'docker://' default '/Users/john/.crc/cache/crc_vfkit_4.16.7_arm64.crcbundle' )
* consent-telemetry       : 10
- disk-size                    Consent to collection of anonymous usage data (yes/no)
* cpus : 120
- host-network-access                   : true
- memory         Number of CPU cores (must be greater than or equal to '4')
* disable-update-check           : 30000

For a full list of configuration parameters issue the following command:

Code Block
crc config
Code Block
Modifies crc   Disable update check (true/false, default: false)
* disk-sizeconfiguration properties.

* bundle                             Total size inBundle GiBpath/URI of- theabsolute diskor (mustlocal bepath, greaterhttp, thanhttps or equal to '31')
* enable-bundle-quay-fallback          If bundle download from the default location fails, fallback to (true/false, default: false)
* enable-cluster-monitoringdocker URI (string, like '', 'docker://' default '/Users/john/.crc/cache/crc_vfkit_4.16.7_arm64.crcbundle' )
* consent-telemetry            Enable cluster monitoring Operator (true/false, default: false)
* enable-emergency-login   Consent to collection of anonymous usage data (yes/no)
* cpus    Enable emergency login for 'core' user. Password is randomly generated. (true/false, default: false)
* enable-experimental-features         Enable experimental features (true/false, default: false)
* enable-shared-dirs Number of CPU cores (must be greater than or equal to '4')
* disable-update-check          Mounts host's home directory at '/' in theDisable CRCupdate VMcheck (true/false, default: truefalse)
* hostdisk-network-accesssize                  Allow TCP/IP connections from     the CRC VMTotal tosize servicesin runningGiB onof the hostdisk (true/false, default: falsemust be greater than or equal to '31')
* http-proxyenable-bundle-quay-fallback          If bundle download from the default location fails, fallback         HTTP proxy URL (string, like ''to (true/false, default: false)
* httpsenable-cluster-proxymonitoring            Enable cluster monitoring Operator (true/false,          HTTPS proxy URL (string, like ''default: false)
* ingressenable-httpemergency-portlogin               Enable emergency login for 'core' HTTPuser. portPassword tois userandomly for OpenShift ingress/routes on the host (1024-65535generated. (true/false, default: 80false)
* ingressenable-httpsexperimental-portfeatures         Enable experimental features (true/false, default: false)
* enable-shared-dirs     HTTPS port to use for OpenShift ingress/routes on the host (1024-65535         Mounts host's home directory at '/' in the CRC VM (true/false, default: 443true)
* kubeadmin-passwordhost-network-access                  Allow TCP/IP Userconnections definedfrom kubeadminthe password
*CRC memoryVM to services running on the host (true/false, default: false)
* http-proxy                     Memory size in MiB (must be greaterHTTP thanproxy orURL equal(string, tolike '10752')
* nameserverhttps-proxy                          HTTPS IPv4proxy address ofURL nameserver (string, like ' or')
* noingress-http-proxyport                    HTTP port to use for OpenShift ingress/routes on  Hosts, ipv4 addresses or CIDR which do not use a proxy (string, comma-separated list such as ',')
* persistent-volume-size          the host (1024-65535, default: 80)
* ingress-https-port                   HTTPS port to use for OpenShift ingress/routes on the host (1024-65535, default: 443)
* kubeadmin-password     Total size in GiB of the persistent volume used by the CSI driver for microshift preset User defined kubeadmin password
* memory                               Memory size in MiB (must be greater than or equal to '1510752')
* presetnameserver                           IPv4 address   Virtual machine presetof nameserver (validstring, values are: [openshift okd microshift]like ' or')
* no-proxy-ca-file                        Path to an HTTPS proxy certificateHosts, authority (CA)
* pull-secret-file              ipv4 addresses or CIDR which do not use a proxy (string, comma-separated list such as ',')
* persistent-volume-size       Path of image pull secret (download from
* skip-check-admin-helper-cached       Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-bundle-extracted Total size in GiB of the persistent volume used by the CSI driver for microshift preset (must be greater than or equal to '15')
* preset          Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-crc-symlink               SkipVirtual preflightmachine checkpreset (true/false, default: falsevalid values are: [openshift okd microshift])
* skipproxy-check-daemon-launchd-plistca-file      Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-m1-cpu            Path to an HTTPS proxy    Skip preflight check (true/false, default: falsecertificate authority (CA)
* skippull-checksecret-mac-versionfile               Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-old-autostart       Path of image pull secret (download from
* skip-check-admin-helper-cached       Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-podman-in-ocbindirbundle-extracted          Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-ram        crc-symlink               Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-resolverdaemon-filelaunchd-permissionsplist      Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-root-userm1-cpu                    Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-sshmac-port version                 Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-supported-cpu-archold-autostart             Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-podman-vfkitin-installed  ocbindir         Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)

Starting the Cluster

Once downloaded and extracted, run:

Code Block
crc start

Image Removed

Grab the pull secrets form the UI by clicking the Copy pull secret link.

Image Removed

Past the pull secret to the terminal

Image RemovedImage Removed


Code Block
oc login -u kubeadmin https://api.crc.testing:6443

Web Console



* skip-check-ram                       Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-resolver-file-permissions Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-root-user                 Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-ssh-port                  Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-supported-cpu-arch        Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)
* skip-check-vfkit-installed           Skip preflight check (true/false, default: false)

Changes made while the cluster is running will require a restart before the changes are applied. 

Code Block
crc stop
crc start

Some changes will require a cleanup and re-setup.

Code Block
crc cleanup
crc setup


Code Block
crc setup

Image Added

Starting the Cluster

Once downloaded and extracted, run:

Code Block
crc start

Image Added

Grab the pull secrets form the UI by clicking the Copy pull secret link.

Image Added

Past the pull secret to the terminal

Image AddedImage Added


Code Block
oc login -u kubeadmin https://api.crc.testing:6443

Web Console

Open the console using crc or by going to https://console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing

Code Block
crc console


- Code Ready Containers

Code Block
CRC is a tool that manages a local OpenShift 4.x cluster optimized for testing and development purposes

  crc [flags]
  crc [command]

Available Commands:
  bundle      Manage CRC bundles
  cleanup     Undo config changes
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Modify crc configuration
  console     Open the OpenShift Web Console in the default browser
  delete      Delete the instance
  help        Help about any command
  ip          Get IP address of the running OpenShift cluster
  oc-env      Add the 'oc' executable to PATH
  podman-env  Setup podman environment
  setup       Set up prerequisites for using CRC
  start       Start the instance
  status      Display status of the OpenShift cluster
  stop        Stop the instance
  version     Print version information

  -h, --help               help for crc
      --log-level string   log level (e.g. "debug | info | warn | error") (default "info")

Helpful Commands

CRC Status

Code Block
crc status
Code Block
CRC VM:          Running
OpenShift:       Running (v4.16.7)
RAM Usage:       7.89GB of 16.34GB
Disk Usage:      31.53GB of 128.2GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     38.67GB
Cache Directory: /Users/john/.crc/cache

CRC Configuration

Code Block
crc config view
Code Block
- consent-telemetry           
Code Block
CRC is a tool that manages a local OpenShift 4.x cluster optimized for testing and development purposes

  crc [flags]
  crc [command]

Available Commands:
  bundle      Manage CRC bundles
  cleanup     Undo config changes
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Modify crc configuration
  console     Open the OpenShift Web Console in the default browser
  delete      Delete the instance
  help        Help about any: commandno
- cpus ip          Get IP address of the running OpenShift cluster
  oc-env      Add the 'oc' executable to PATH
  podman-env  Setup podman: environment8
- disk-size setup       Set up prerequisites for using CRC
  start       Start the instance
  status    :  Display status of the OpenShift cluster
- host-network-access               Stop the instance
  version: true
- memory   Print version information

  -h, --help               help for crc
      --log-level string :  log level (e.g. "debug | info | warn | error") (default "info")24000

CRC Version

Code Block
crc version
Code Block
CRC version: 2.33.0+c43b17
OpenShift version: 4.14.12
Podman version: 4.4.4

Delete the Cluster

Code Block
crc delete

Open the Console

Code Block
crc console


Install Red Hat OpenShift Local Kubernetes in macOS on MacBook Pro Intel x86_64 and M1 arm64
Image configuration resources