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Table of Contents


Install Graphviz


Code Block
brew install graphviz


Code Block
sudo apt install graphviz



Install Benchstat

Code Block
cd ~
go install


We can add in a benchmark test which will allow us to profile a section of code.

Image Added

Creating Profiles from Benchmark Test 

Code Block
go test -bench=. -run=x -benchmem -memprofile -cpuprofile -benchtime=10s > 0.bench

After running the benchmark we can use the outputted profiles with pprof.

Adding Profiling to your Application


Code Block
go tool pprof heap.out
Code Block
(pprof) top

Showing nodes accounting for 16903.23kB, 100% of 16903.23kB total
Showing top 10 nodes out of 51
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
12292.12kB 72.72% 72.72% 12292.12kB 72.72%
 2562.81kB 15.16% 87.88%  2562.81kB 15.16%  runtime.allocm
  512.20kB  3.03% 90.91%   512.20kB  3.03%  runtime.malg
  512.05kB  3.03% 93.94%   512.05kB  3.03%  runtime.acquireSudog
  512.04kB  3.03% 96.97%   512.04kB  3.03%
  512.01kB  3.03%   100%   512.01kB  3.03% (inline)
         0     0%   100%   512.01kB  3.03%*Broker).Open.func1
         0     0%   100%   512.01kB  3.03%*Broker).registerHistogram
         0     0%   100%   512.01kB  3.03%*Broker).registerMetrics
         0     0%   100%   512.04kB  3.03%*consumerGroup).Consume
Code Block
(pprof) web

Image Removed


Image Removed

Profiling your Benchmark 

Code Block
go test -bench=. -run=x -benchmem -memprofile -cpuprofile -benchtime=5s > 0.bench


Profiling with Pprof

CPU Profiling

Code Block
$ go tool pprof 
Type: cpu
Time: Jul 15, 2022 at 1:25pm (EDT)
Duration: 7.34s, Total samples = 7.45s (101.51%)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)


Code Block
(pprof) top 20
Showing nodes accounting for 7.18s, 96.38% of 7.45s total
Dropped 81 nodes (cum <= 0.04s)
Showing top 20 nodes out of 134
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     1.56s 20.94% 20.94%      1.56s 20.94%  runtime.kevent
     1.45s 19.46% 40.40%      1.45s 19.46%  runtime.madvise
     0.79s 10.60% 51.01%      1.18s 15.84%  encoding/json.checkValid
     0.68s  9.13% 60.13%      0.68s  9.13%  encoding/json.unquoteBytes
     0.48s  6.44% 66.58%      0.48s  6.44%  encoding/json.(*decodeState).rescanLiteral
     0.37s  4.97% 71.54%      0.37s  4.97%  encoding/json.stateInString
     0.37s  4.97% 76.51%      0.37s  4.97%  runtime.pthread_cond_signal
     0.31s  4.16% 80.67%      0.31s  4.16%  runtime.pthread_kill
     0.26s  3.49% 84.16%      0.27s  3.62%  encoding/json.(*encodeState).string
     0.21s  2.82% 86.98%      0.21s  2.82%  syscall.syscall
     0.20s  2.68% 89.66%      0.20s  2.68%  runtime.usleep
     0.19s  2.55% 92.21%      0.19s  2.55%  runtime.pthread_cond_wait
     0.13s  1.74% 93.96%      0.13s  1.74%  unicode/utf8.RuneCountInString
     0.04s  0.54% 94.50%      0.04s  0.54%  runtime.memmove
     0.04s  0.54% 95.03%      0.10s  1.34%  runtime.scanobject
     0.03s   0.4% 95.44%      0.07s  0.94%  kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/gateways/kafka/consumer.randomString
     0.03s   0.4% 95.84%      0.04s  0.54%  runtime.findObject
     0.02s  0.27% 96.11%      0.44s  5.91%  runtime.gcDrain
     0.01s  0.13% 96.24%      1.18s 15.84%  encoding/json.(*decodeState).objectInterface
     0.01s  0.13% 96.38%      0.13s  1.74%  runtime.gopreempt_m

Using List to output annotated source 

Code Block
(pprof) list encoding/json.checkValid
Total: 12.96s
ROUTINE ======================== encoding/json.checkValid in /usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/scanner.go
     690ms      1.17s (flat, cum)  9.03% of Total
         .          .     27:
         .          .     28:// checkValid verifies that data is valid JSON-encoded data.
         .          .     29:// scan is passed in for use by checkValid to avoid an allocation.
         .          .     30:func checkValid(data []byte, scan *scanner) error {
         .          .     31:	scan.reset()
     130ms      140ms     32:	for _, c := range data {
     120ms      120ms     33:		scan.bytes++
     440ms      910ms     34:		if scan.step(scan, c) == scanError {
         .          .     35:			return scan.err
         .          .     36:		}
         .          .     37:	}
         .          .     38:	if scan.eof() == scanError {
         .          .     39:		return scan.err

Visualize It

Code Block
(pprof) web

Memory Profiling

Code Block
$ go tool pprof 
Type: alloc_space
Time: Jul 19, 2022 at 11:17am (EDT)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)

top 10

Code Block
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 19.94GB, 99.26% of 20.09GB total
Dropped 168 nodes (cum <= 0.10GB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 45
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    5.25GB 26.14% 26.14%     5.25GB 26.14%  io.ReadAll
    2.11GB 10.52% 36.66%     4.20GB 20.89%  kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/util/json.ParseJSON
    2.10GB 10.44% 47.11%     2.10GB 10.44%  fmt.(*buffer).writeString (inline)
    2.10GB 10.43% 57.54%     4.20GB 20.90%  fmt.Sprintf
    2.09GB 10.42% 67.95%    10.53GB 52.42%  kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/gateways/kafka/consumer.(*Consumer).ProcessQueue
    2.08GB 10.35% 78.31%     2.08GB 10.35%  encoding/json.unquote (inline)
    1.07GB  5.32% 83.63%     3.15GB 15.67%*Container).String (inline)
    1.06GB  5.29% 88.92%     6.35GB 31.63%  kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/gateways/azure.(*LogAnalyticsClient).ProcessMessage
    1.04GB  5.19% 94.12%     2.08GB 10.34%  encoding/json.Marshal
    1.03GB  5.15% 99.26%     1.03GB  5.15%  bytes.makeSlice

Using List to output annotated source 

Code Block
(pprof) list json.ParseJSON
Total: 20.09GB
ROUTINE ======================== kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/util/json.ParseJSON in /Users/john/projects/netguard_cyberdome/services/kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/util/json/json_util.go
    2.11GB     4.20GB (flat, cum) 20.89% of Total
         .          .      8:)
         .          .      9:
         .          .     10:func ParseJSON(message string) (*gabs.Container, error) {
         .          .     11:
         .          .     12:	//parse message as JSON
    2.11GB     4.20GB     13:	json, err := gabs.ParseJSON([]byte(message))
         .          .     14:	if err != nil {
         .          .     15:		logrus.Errorf("Failed to parse json message: %s", message)
         .          .     16:		return nil, err
         .          .     17:	}
         .          .     18:	return json, nil

Visualize It

Code Block
(pprof) web

Image Added


Go (Golang) Profiling Tutorial
How I investigated memory leaks in Go using pprof on a large codebase
