Creating a local registry

> vi docker-compose.yml

version: '3.0'
    image: registry:2
    container_name: registry
    - '5000:5000'
    - $HOME/registry:/var/lib/registry

> docker-compose up

Accessing the local registry

By default the username and password are 'username' and 'password'

Login to your registry

> docker login -u username -p password localhost:5000

Pushing images to your local registry

To push your images to a registry, you must first tag the image with the address of your registry:

> docker tag <image>:<tag> localhost:5000/<image>:<tag>

Once you have tagged your image, you can push it

> docker push localhost:5000/<image>:<tag>


$ docker tag registry:2 localhost:5000/myreg:mytag	

$ docker push localhost:5000/myreg:mytag

The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/myreg]
6b263b6e9ced: Pushed 
dead8a13b621: Pushed 
00a8ff67f927: Pushed 
2b7bd2eefde2: Pushed 
a120b7c9a693: Pushed 
mytag: digest: sha256:a25e4660ed5226bdb59a5e555083e08ded157b1218282840e55d25add0223390 size: 1364