To get your QNAP credentials


Download OWASP ZAP


Startup OWASP zap


Set Proxy in OWASP Zap by selecting Tools, Options, Local Proxy.


Set local proxy to localhost and a port, say 8090



Now, change the proxy settings on your browser to proxy through the proxy you defined above.


Now open up the URL to your QNAP and login.


Check through the


Look through the list of URLs until you find a call to authLogin.cgi. Click on it and note the request parameters.


In the above case you will need the user=admin and pwd=….


Update the your showRss.php file with the proper path:





Also, look for this path in the other php files.


That’s it. Try running the .sh files manually and see if they work.

Maybe start with the script first since it will show you what you are currently downloading.

