The DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player For Arduino is a small and low price MP3 module with an simplified output directly to the speaker. The module can be used as a stand alone module with attached battery, speaker and push buttons or used in combination with an Arduino UNO or any other with RX/TX capabilities. 

Copy your mp3 into you micro SD card

NOTE: The order you copy the mp3 into micro SD card will affect the order mp3 played , which means play(1) function will play the first mp3 copied into micro SD card.

For Mac User

NOTE: If you are using Mac OS X to copy the mp3, the file system will automatically add hidden files like: "._0001.mp3" for index, which this module will handle as valid mp3 files. It is really annoying. So you can run following command in terminal to eliminate those files.

dot_clean /Volumes/<SDVolumeName>

Please replace the to the volume name of your SD card.


