

Register the Wyze Device

Make sure to hit Cancel and not Upgrade.

OTA Hacking

Based on https://github.com/elahd/wyze_plug_flasher

mkdir ~/wpf

cd ~/wpf

pip install requests 

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/HclX/WyzeUpdater.git

Get the flasher:

wget https://github.com/elahd/wyze_plug_flasher/releases/download/v0.1-alpha/wyze_plug_flasher.bin

Get Tasmota binary v9.2.0

wget https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/releases/download/v9.2.0/tasmota.bin

mv tasmota.bin thirdparty.bin

Use WyzeUpdater to get a list of your Wyze devices. You will have an account 

cd WyzeUpdater

python3 wyze_updater.py list

INFO:root:No saved credentials found, logging in with username/password...
Please enter the account name:xxxxx
Please enter the password:xxxxx
INFO:root:Credentials saved to .tokens
Device Type:       Plug (WLPP1)
Device MAC:        2CAA8E7BC5BB
Firmware Version:
Device Name:       Lights

sudo python3 wyze_updater.py update -s -d 2CAA8E7BC5BB -f ../wyze_plug_flasher.bin

INFO:root:Using saved credentials from .tokens...
INFO:root:Checking device, mac=2CAA8E7B302B

Device type:      Plug (WLPP1)
Device name:      Wyze2
Firmware version:
IP Address:

Pushing firmware to this device? [y/N]:y
INFO:root:Serving firmware file '../wyze_plug_flasher.bin' as '', md5=c1cd336c04a3c74e315edac00afd117c - - [31/Jan/2021 21:38:33] "GET /firmware.bin HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Press Ctrl+C when all the updates are done...

Check for wyze_plug_flasher wifi network. Once it is active, you can hit CTRL-C.

cd ~/wpf

sudo python3 -m http.server 8080

Serving HTTP on port 8080 ( ...

On your Mac, connect to the wyze_plug_flasher Wi-Fi network.

Navigate to 

Click on the link next to Flash Firmware to download and install Tasmota.

After a few minutes, you should hear a click and should see the Tasmota_ wifi network. 

Connect to the tasmota_XXX network.

Navigate to

Enter Reset 3 in the command input field and hit Enter. The device will reboot.

After the device reboots, unplug it. That is, physically remove it from the electrical outlet for a few seconds.

Plug the device back in.

Set up Tasmota as you normally would.

Connect to


Backlog SetOption0 0; SetOption36 1
backlog template {"NAME":"WyzePlugWLPP1","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,0,56,0,0,21,0,17,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

Navigate to

Setup WIFI  and click Save.

You device will now be connected to your network if everything has worked out.


Redit Posthttps://www.reddit.com/r/wyzecam/comments/l54d8b/instructions_and_software_install_tasmota_on_wyze/