
Uses 15 amp relay. Awkward to open. Flat plastic back pops into plastic shell but is glued. Power prongs are also lightly glued to the flat plastic back.

Uses an edge mounted daughter board for the ESP8266EX. Flashing leads for 3.3V, GND, RX and TX can be soldered to the edge mounting. Used the test point landing for GPIO0 on the daughter board test points side.

LED will light when relay is engaged. Side button will toggle the relay state. 




Register the Wyze Device

Before you can perform an over the air upgrade of the Wyze device, you will need to register it with Wyze. Download the Wyze app from the App store and connect the wyze device.

Screen captures of the setup:

Make sure to hit Cancel and not Upgrade.

OTA Hacking

Based on https://github.com/elahd/wyze_plug_flasher

mkdir ~/wpf

cd ~/wpf

pip install requests 

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/HclX/WyzeUpdater.git

Get the flasher:

wget https://github.com/elahd/wyze_plug_flasher/releases/download/v0.1-alpha/wyze_plug_flasher.bin

Get Tasmota binary v9.2.0

wget https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/releases/download/v9.2.0/tasmota.bin

mv tasmota.bin thirdparty.bin

Use WyzeUpdater to get a list of your Wyze devices. You will have an account 

cd WyzeUpdater

python3 wyze_updater.py list

INFO:root:No saved credentials found, logging in with username/password...
Please enter the account name:xxxxx
Please enter the password:xxxxx
INFO:root:Credentials saved to .tokens
Device Type:       Plug (WLPP1)
Device MAC:        2CAA8E7BC5BB
Firmware Version:
Device Name:       Lights

sudo python3 wyze_updater.py update -s -d 2CAA8E7BC5BB -f ../wyze_plug_flasher.bin

INFO:root:Using saved credentials from .tokens...
INFO:root:Checking device, mac=2CAA8E7B302B

Device type:      Plug (WLPP1)
Device name:      Wyze2
Firmware version:
IP Address:

Pushing firmware to this device? [y/N]:y
INFO:root:Serving firmware file '../wyze_plug_flasher.bin' as '', md5=c1cd336c04a3c74e315edac00afd117c - - [31/Jan/2021 21:38:33] "GET /firmware.bin HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Press Ctrl+C when all the updates are done...

Check for wyze_plug_flasher wifi network. Once it is active, you can hit CTRL-C.

cd ~/wpf

sudo python3 -m http.server 8080

Serving HTTP on port 8080 ( ...

On your Mac, connect to the wyze_plug_flasher Wi-Fi network.

Navigate to 

Click on the link next to Flash Firmware to download and install Tasmota.

After a few minutes, you should hear a click and should see the Tasmota_ wifi network. 

Connect to the tasmota_XXX network.

Navigate to

Enter Reset 3 in the command input field and hit Enter. The device will reboot.

After the device reboots, unplug it. That is, physically remove it from the electrical outlet for a few seconds.

Plug the device back in.

Set up Tasmota as you normally would.

Navigate to

Setup WIFI  and click Save.

You device will now be connected to your network if everything has worked out.

Connect to Wyze plug from your browser. You'll need to figure out it's new IP on your network.


At the Console screen:


SetOption0 0; SetOption36 1
template {"NAME":"WyzePlugWLPP1","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,0,56,0,0,21,0,17,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}


Redit Posthttps://www.reddit.com/r/wyzecam/comments/l54d8b/instructions_and_software_install_tasmota_on_wyze/
Wyze WLPP1 Templatehttps://templates.blakadder.com/wyze_WLPP1.html
Teardown Video