

Download the following firmware:



Connect your USB to Serial adaptor to the the locations depicted on the picture below. See reference section for details.


For flashing this device, it is easiest to use Tasmotizer. 

See https://github.com/tasmota/tasmotizer

With the wiring connected, start up tasmotizer. Perform the following steps:

Flash Zigbee Chip

There is a second chip on the Sonoff Zigbee bridge which needs to be flashed. 

See https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Sonoff_ZBBridge.html

Homebridge Integration

We will integrate our Zigbee bridge with Hoomebridge using MQTT.


On your Zigbee bridge device, configure MQTT:

After configuring you will have messages being sent to MQTT on various topics:

Adding a Device

To pair a device, first go Tasmota UI for the Zigbee bridge and click the"Zigbee Permit Join" button.

You should now see a message stating "Devices allowed to join". If you don't you may need to install the firmware for the zigbee chip


Tasmota Commands

Set Name for DeviceZbName <device>, <friendlyName>ZbName 0x0321,Motion_Sensor
Delete DeviceZbForget <device> or ZbForget <name>ZbForget 0x0321
Send Command to Device
ZbSend { "device":"0x4773", "send":{"Power":"On"} }
Set Group for Device
ZbSend {"device":"Ikea_Bulb","Send":{"AddGroup":100}}

Bind device to group

(Required for IKEA BULBS)

ZbBind {"Device":"Ikea_Remote","ToGroup":100,"Endpoint":1,"Cluster":6}

ZbBind {"Device":"Ikea_Remote","ToGroup":100,"Endpoint":1,"Cluster":8}

ZbBind {"Device":"Ikea_Remote","ToGroup":100,"Endpoint":1,"Cluster":5}

Bind device to deviceZbBind {"Device":"<device>", "Endpoint":<endpoint>, "Cluster":<cluster>, "ToDevice":"<to_device>", "ToEndpoint":<to_endpoint>, "ToGroup":<to_group> }

ZbBind {"Device":"0xAAAA","ToDevice":"0xBBBB","Endpoint":1,"ToEndpoint":1,"Cluster":6}

Unbind a deviceZbUnbind {"Device":"<device>", "Endpoint":<endpoint>, "Cluster":<cluster>, "ToDevice":"<to_device>", "ToEndpoint":<to_endpoint>, "ToGroup":<to_group> }

ZbUnbind {"Device":"<device>", "Endpoint":<endpoint>, "Cluster":<cluster>, "ToDevice":"<to_device>", "ToEndpoint":<to_endpoint>, "ToGroup":<to_group> }

ZbUnbind {"Device":"Ikea_Remote","ToDevice":"Ikea_Bulb","Endpoint":1,"ToEndpoint":1,"Cluster":6}


Motion Sensor - Sonoff Model SNZB-03

MQTT Message

JSON Message sent via MQTT on topic tele/zigbee/SENSOR


Homebridge Configuration

            "accessory": "mqttthing",
            "type": "occupancySensor",
            "name": "sonoff-occupancy",
            "url": "",
                "getOccupancyDetected": {
                     "topic": "tele/zigbee/SENSOR",
                     "apply": "return JSON.parse(message).ZbReceived['0x6373'].Occupancy;"

            "integerValue": "true"

Switch - IKEA Tradfri ON/OFF Switch

MQTT Message

JSON Message sent via MQTT on topic tele/zigbee/SENSOR


Homebridge Configuration

            "accessory": "mqttthing",
            "type": "switch",
            "name": "ikea-onoff",
            "url": "",
                "getOn": {
                     "topic": "tele/zigbee/SENSOR",
                     "apply": "return JSON.parse(message).ZbReceived['0x0321'].Power;"

            "integerValue": "true"

Light - IKEA Tradfri Dimmer

MQTT Message

JSON Message sent via MQTT on topic tele/zigbee/SENSOR


Homebridge Configuration

            "accessory": "mqttthing",
            "type": "lightbulb",
            "name": "ikea-lightbulb",
            "url": "",
                "getOn": {
                     "topic": "tele/zigbee/SENSOR",
                     "apply": "return JSON.parse(message).ZbReceived['0xE3E9'].Power;"
				"setOn": {
                   "topic": "cmnd/zigbee/ZbSend",
                   "apply": "return '{\"device\":\"0xE3E9\", \"send\":{\"Power\":' + message + '}}'"
            "integerValue": "true"


Sonoff Zigbee Bridge | How to flash with Tasmota and setup in Home Assistant with ZHAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDynPbCGvS0
Tasmota Releaseshttps://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/releases
Tasmota Zigbeehttps://tasmota.github.io/docs/Zigbee/
Zigbee Commandshttps://tasmota.github.io/docs/Commands/#zigbee
MQTTThing Homebridge Pluginhttps://github.com/arachnetech/homebridge-mqttthing