
Install Graphviz

brew install graphviz

Adding Profiling to your Application

Add the following code:

import (
	_ "net/http/pprof"

	e := echo.New()

	e.GET("/debug/pprof/*", echo.WrapHandler(http.DefaultServeMux))

Pull Metric from Endpoint

curl -sK -v http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap > heap.out

Open heap.out in pprof

go tool pprof heap.out

Adding a Benchmark 

Profiling your Benchmark 

go test -bench=. -run=x -benchmem -memprofile -cpuprofile -benchtime=5s > 0.bench

Profile CPU

$ go tool pprof 
Type: cpu
Time: Jul 15, 2022 at 1:25pm (EDT)
Duration: 7.34s, Total samples = 7.45s (101.51%)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)

top 20

(pprof) top 20
Showing nodes accounting for 7.18s, 96.38% of 7.45s total
Dropped 81 nodes (cum <= 0.04s)
Showing top 20 nodes out of 134
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     1.56s 20.94% 20.94%      1.56s 20.94%  runtime.kevent
     1.45s 19.46% 40.40%      1.45s 19.46%  runtime.madvise
     0.79s 10.60% 51.01%      1.18s 15.84%  encoding/json.checkValid
     0.68s  9.13% 60.13%      0.68s  9.13%  encoding/json.unquoteBytes
     0.48s  6.44% 66.58%      0.48s  6.44%  encoding/json.(*decodeState).rescanLiteral
     0.37s  4.97% 71.54%      0.37s  4.97%  encoding/json.stateInString
     0.37s  4.97% 76.51%      0.37s  4.97%  runtime.pthread_cond_signal
     0.31s  4.16% 80.67%      0.31s  4.16%  runtime.pthread_kill
     0.26s  3.49% 84.16%      0.27s  3.62%  encoding/json.(*encodeState).string
     0.21s  2.82% 86.98%      0.21s  2.82%  syscall.syscall
     0.20s  2.68% 89.66%      0.20s  2.68%  runtime.usleep
     0.19s  2.55% 92.21%      0.19s  2.55%  runtime.pthread_cond_wait
     0.13s  1.74% 93.96%      0.13s  1.74%  unicode/utf8.RuneCountInString
     0.04s  0.54% 94.50%      0.04s  0.54%  runtime.memmove
     0.04s  0.54% 95.03%      0.10s  1.34%  runtime.scanobject
     0.03s   0.4% 95.44%      0.07s  0.94%  kafka-azure-sink/src/internal/gateways/kafka/consumer.randomString
     0.03s   0.4% 95.84%      0.04s  0.54%  runtime.findObject
     0.02s  0.27% 96.11%      0.44s  5.91%  runtime.gcDrain
     0.01s  0.13% 96.24%      1.18s 15.84%  encoding/json.(*decodeState).objectInterface
     0.01s  0.13% 96.38%      0.13s  1.74%  runtime.gopreempt_m

Visualize It

(pprof) web


Go (Golang) Profiling Tutorial
How I investigated memory leaks in Go using pprof on a large codebase