
I had the original 4 pin trailer wiring harness installed by Subaru when I purchased the vehicle. However, I would like the ability to connect up my camper without having to use a 4 pin to 7 pin adaptor.  In the future, I would also like to be able to charge my camper battery while driving. 



Oyviny 4-Way Flat to 7-Way Round Blade

and 4 Way Trailer Wiring Harness Adapter 

Hopkins 47180 Endurance

40/30 Amp Waterproof Relay Switch Harness

40A Circuit Breaker



For Now

For now, I simply connected the 7 pin harness adaptor to the existing 4 pin connector and zip tied them together.  I screwed the white ground wire into the body of the car. Later I will connect up the black wire (12v power) to the battery using the relay and circuit breaker listed in the parts section.


7-Pin Trailer Wiring Subaru Outbackhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7BYNbutLxo

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