
Install Flux

See https://fluxcd.io/docs/installation/#install-the-flux-cli


$ curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash
$ curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | bash

Generate a User Token in GitHub


Export User Token as Environment Variables

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxx
$ export GITHUB_USER=johnmehan

Bootstrap the Repository

Perform pre-check to make sure we are able to install flux.

$ flux check --pre

► checking prerequisites
✗ flux 0.19.1 <0.20.0 (new version is available, please upgrade)
✔ Kubernetes 1.21.2 >=1.19.0-0
✔ prerequisites checks passed

With Github

$ flux bootstrap github --owner=$GITHUB_USER --repository=<REPO_NAME> --branch=main --path=<CLUSTER_NAME> --personal

# example
$ flux bootstrap github --owner=$GITHUB_USER --repository=ft --branch=main --path=local --personal

With Gitlab 

$ flux bootstrap gitlab --owner=<GROUP> --repository=<REPO_NAME> --path=<PATH> --token-auth --hostname=<HOST> --branch=<BRANCH>

$ flux bootstrap gitlab --owner=MyGroup --repository=deploy_repo --path=cluster/lab --token-auth --hostname=gitlab1.company.com --branch=master

Git Clone New Repo

$ git clone git@github.com:johnmehan/ft.git
$ cd ft
$ cd local 

Create Helm Repository

Create secret for flux to use to talk to the helm repository

$ kubectl create secret generic acr --from-literal username=mehan --from-literal "password=xxx" -n flux-system

Create a helm repo

$ flux create source helm ncyd-helm-virtual --url https://artifactory-fpark1.int.net.nokia.com/artifactory/ncyd-helm-virtual --interval 1m0s --secret-ref=acr --export > helmrepo-ncyd-helm-virtual.yaml

View Repo

apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: HelmRepository
  name: ncyd-helm-virtual
  namespace: flux-system
  interval: 1m0s
    name: acr
  url: https://artifactory-fpark1.int.net.nokia.com/artifactory/ncyd-helm-virtual
  passCredentials: true

Commit the newly created file.

$ git add <file>
$ git commit 
$ git push

Wait a bit and then try retrieving your list of helm sources:

$ flux get sources helm

NAME    READY   MESSAGE                                                         REVISION                                       SUSPENDED
ncyd    True    Fetched revision: 732d32e292bd0def8d5782211f139523d23880a1      732d32e292bd0def8d5782211f139523d23880a1       False

Create a Helm Release

$ flux create helmrelease ssh-server --source=HelmRepository/ncyd-helm-virtual --chart ssh-server --release-name ssh-server --target-namespace default --interval 5m0s --export > helmrelease-ssh-server.yaml

You may want to update this helm release to override certain values

$ vi helmrelease-ssh-server.yaml
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: ssh-server
  namespace: flux-system
      chart: ssh-server
      version: '1.0.0-1362206'
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: ncyd-helm-virtual
  interval: 5m0s
  releaseName: ssh-server
  targetNamespace: default
    some: true

Now, commit this file to your git and wait a little bit before executing the following command:

$ flux get helmreleases

To force a reconciliation, you can issue the following command:

flux reconcile ks flux-system --with-source

Helpfull Commands

flux uninstallRemove flux installation

flux get helmreleases

flux get hr

List the helmreleases
flux reconcile ks flux-system --with-sourceForce a reconcile
flux get sources helmView Helm Sources

kubectl describe helmrelease <HR_NAME> -n flux-systemGet details of a helm release. 
kubectl logs -f -n flux-system deployment/source-controllerSee logs for source-controller

Debugging a Failed Helm Release

You may some of the following commands in order to determine the failure.

# get list of helmreleases
$ flux get hr -A

# get details about the helmrelease
$ kubectl describe helmrelease <HR_NAME> -n flux-system

# See logs in source controller
$ kubectl logs -f -n flux-system deployment/source-controller

Force a reconcile

flux reconcile ks flux-system --with-source

Delete a helm release and reconcile

kubectl -n fluxsystem delete hr <HR_NAME>
flux reconcile ks flux-system --with-source


Flux2 Docshttps://fluxcd.io/docs/
Supercharge your Kubernetes deployments with Flux v2 and GitHub - Introductionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6UCKF7JD7k
Get Started with Fluxhttps://fluxcd.io/docs/get-started/
Install the Flux CLIhttps://fluxcd.io/docs/installation/#install-the-flux-cli
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