Homebridge is a lightweight NodeJS server you can run on your home network that emulates the iOS HomeKit API (Docker Image). It supports Plugins, which are community-contributed modules that provide a basic bridge from HomeKit to various 3rd-party APIs provided by manufacturers of "smart home" devices.
Build Custom Homebridge Image
> docker build -t jmehan/homebridge .
FROM oznu/homebridge:latest RUN cd /homebridge RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-myq@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-mqttthing@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-plex-sensors@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-zp@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-weather-plus@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add node-appletv-x@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-nest@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-apple-tv-remote@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-tasmota-zbbridge@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-ikea-tradfri-gateway@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-eufy-security@latest RUN npm --prefix "/var/lib/homebridge" add homebridge-sonos@latest
Running our Container
#!/bin/bash NAME=homebridge IMAGE=jmehan/homebridge DIR=`pwd -P` docker stop $NAME docker rm $NAME docker run -d \ --restart=always \ --name $NAME \ --net host \ -e HOMEBRIDGE_INSECURE=1 \ -e HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI=1 \ -e HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI_PORT=8091 \ -p 51826:51826 \ -p 51828:51828 \ -v $DIR/data:/homebridge \ $IMAGE
Our Configuration
{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX", "port": 51826, "pin": "XXX-XX-XXX" }, "description": "This is an example configuration file", "accessories": [ { "accessory": "SonoffTasmotaHTTP", "name": "sonoff151", "hostname": "", "user": "admin", "password": "XXX" }, { "accessory": "HttpTemperature", "name": "Spa Temperature", "url": "", "max_temp": 200, "http_method": "GET", "field_name": "temperature", "update_interval": "60000", "units": "C" }, { "accessory": "Sonos", "name": "Katie's Speaker", "room": "Katie's Room", "mute": false }, { "accessory": "mqttthing", "type": "lightbulb", "name": "teamroom", "url": "http://XXXX:1883", "topics": { "getOn": "ikea", "setOn": "ikea" }, "onValue": "on", "offValue": "off" } ], "platforms": [ { "platform": "Nest", "clientId": "XXX", "token":"XXXX", "clientSecret": "XXX", "code": "XXX" }, { "platform": "Cmd4", "name": "Cmd4", "accessories": [ { "type": "TemperatureSensor", "name": "sonoff158", "timeout": 3000, "polling": false, "interval": 100, "stateChangeResponseTime": 10, "state_cmd": "sh /homebridge/Cmd4Scripts/sonoff158.sh" } ] }, { "platform": "HttpWebHooks", "webhook_port": "51828", "cache_directory": "/homebridge/.node-persist/storage", "sensors": [ ] } ] }
What does this give us?
- Homebridge running on port 51826
- Homebridge UI listening on port 8089
homebridge-http-webhooks listening on port 51828
NGINX Integration
In order to access the homebridge ui via an nginx reverse proxy, you will need a configuration like the following:
server { server_name homebridge homebridge.jmehan.com; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } }
We can see what plugins are available for homebridge from the following url:
SonoffTasmotaHTTP Plugin
{ "accessory": "SonoffTasmotaHTTP", "name": "sonoff97-1", "hostname": "", "relay": "1", "user": "xxx", "password": "xxx" }, { "accessory": "SonoffTasmotaHTTP", "name": "sonoff98", "hostname": "", "user": "xxx", "password": "xxx" }, ...
Sonoff-Tasmota Mqtt Plugin
... { "accessory": "mqtt-switch-tasmota", "name": "sonoff97-2-relay", "url": "mqtt://", "username": "john", "password": "pass", "topics": { "statusGet": "stat/sonoff97-2/POWER", "statusSet": "cmnd/sonoff97-2/POWER" } }, ...
Cmd4 Plugin
Here is an example that communicates to the nest developer api and pulls the humidity for a thermostat. It uses jq to parse the json returned.
#Humidity if [ "$1" = "Get" ]; then # $2 would be the name 'spa' # $3 would be the charactersistic if [ "$3" = "CurrentRelativeHumidity" ]; then humidity=`curl -v --location-trusted \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx" \ -X GET "https://developer-api.nest.com/" 2>/dev/null \ | jq '.devices.thermostats."oFh5M-W1yNJjd1COACDoCrsH5zleG7kM".humidity'` echo $humidity exit 0 fi if [ "$3" = "StatusActive" ]; then echo "1" exit 0 fi fi if [ "$1" = "Set" ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0