Allows you to search the ldap Directory
usage: ldapsearch [options] [filter [attributes...]]
Search Filters:
Search | Example |
Add | '(&(mail=*)(uid=provisioner*))' |
OR | '(|(member=*)(mail=*))' |
Search for all objects with the mail attribute:
> ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com -w xxxxxx -b 'dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com' -h ldap.dev.pci.irdeto.com -p 489 'mail=*'
Search for all users (inetOrgPerson) under ou=users,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com
> ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com -w xxxxxx -h ldap.dev.pci.irdeto.com -p 489 -b 'ou=users,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com' '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)'
Common Parameters
These parameters are used with all ldap commands
Parameter | Description | Example |
-D binddn | Bind DN | -D cn=admin,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com |
-w passwd | Bind password (for simple authentication) | -w xxxxxx |
-b basedn | Base DN | -b 'dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com' |
-h host | LDAP Server | -h localhost |
-H URI | LDAP URI | -H ldaps:// |
-p port | Port on LDAP server Not required when using -H URI | -p 389
> ldapadd -D cn=admin,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com -w XXX -h 10.18 . 113.218 -p 389 -f hengheng.ldif
dn: cn=hengheng,ou=tenants,ou=users,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: hengheng
givenname: Hengheng
sn: User
uid: hengheng
mail: hengheng.xie @irdeto .com
> ldappasswd -S -D cn=admin,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com -w XXX -h 10.18 . 113.218 -p 389 -x "cn=hengheng,ou=tenants,ou=users,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com"
> ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com -w XXX -b 'ou=tenants,ou=users,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com' -h 10.18 . 113.218 -p 389
# hengheng, tenants, users, pci.irdeto.com
dn: cn=hengheng,ou=tenants,ou=users,dc=pci,dc=irdeto,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: hengheng
givenName: Hengheng
sn: User
uid: hengheng
mail: hengheng.xie @irdeto .com
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9eTNtVGRXejhwanozdkFXR1ZjTlNMaG44R2RqZkVLWDU=
Make gitlab user admin
ssh into gitlab
> gitlab-rails console production
u = User.find_by_email( "john.mehan@irdeto.com" )
u.admin = true