- Created by John, last modified on Jun 01, 2022
Variable | Description | Details |
pass | admin password | base64encoded password |
In order to make it easier to run your php scripts, we can wrap them in a shell script like the following:
#!/bin/sh PHP=/mnt/ext/opt/apache/bin/php SCRIPT_PATH=/share/homes/xxx/scripts/ cd $SCRIPT_PATH $PHP $SCRIPT_PATH/showRss.php <ACTION>
> php showRss.php <download/removeCompleted/listDownloads/removeAll>
showrss.php Expand source
<?php //custom variables $pass=urlencode("xxx_BASE64ENCODEDPASSWORD_xxx"); $EMAIL_TO="xxxx@xxx.com"; $EMAIL_FROM="xxxx@xxx.com"; $SHOWRSS_FEED="http://showrss.info/user/xxxx.rss?magnets=true&namespaces=true&name=clean&quality=hd&re=null"; $TEMP_FOLDER="tv/tmp"; $DEST_FOLDER="tv/incoming"; //default variables $baseURL="http://localhost:8080"; $DB_FILE_NAME="db_showrss.json"; $EMAIL_SUBJECT_DOWNLOADED="DOWNLOADED - "; $EMAIL_SUBJECT_STARTED="DOWNLOAD STARTED - "; $EMAIL_SUBJECT_FAILED="FAILED TO DOWNLOAD - "; $EMAIL_SUBJECT_REMOVED="CANCELLED DOWNLOAD - "; //login $sid=loginToQnap(); // Process Command Line $cmd="download"; if ($argc > 1) { $cmd=$argv[1]; }; switch ($cmd) { case "download": echo "DOWNLOAD:\n"; download(); break; case "removeCompleted": echo "REMOVE COMPLETED:\n"; removeCompleted(); break; case "listDownloads": echo "LIST DOWNLOADS:\n"; listDownloads(); break; case "removeAll": echo "REMOVE ALL:\n"; removeAll(); break; default: showUsage(); exit(1); } //done exit(0); //*************************************** // download //*************************************** function download(){ global $SHOWRSS_FEED, $DB_FILE_NAME, $baseURL, $sid, $EMAIL_TO, $EMAIL_FROM, $EMAIL_SUBJECT_DOWNLOADED; //get showRSS Feed $xml = file_get_contents($SHOWRSS_FEED); //echo $xml; //process xml $xml = simplexml_load_file($SHOWRSS_FEED); $showArray = array(); $showdb = json_decode(file_get_contents($DB_FILE_NAME), true); if($showdb==null){ $showdb = array(); } // loop through foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { $title = $item->title; $link = $item->link; //echo "title=" . $title ."\n"; $pattern = "/(\d{1,2})x(\d{1,2})/"; preg_match($pattern, $title, $matches); if(sizeof($matches)>=3){ $season=intval($matches[1]); $episode=intval($matches[2]); $show = trim(substr($title,0,strrpos($title,$matches[0]))); $showAndEpisode=sprintf("%s %02dx%02d", $show,$season,$episode); }else{ $show=(string)$title; $showAndEpisode=(string)$title; $season=0; $episode=0; } //echo "SHOW: " . $show . "\n"; //echo "SEASON: " . $season . "\n"; //echo "EPISODE: " . $episode . "\n"; $showInfo=array($showAndEpisode, $show, $season, $episode, $link); array_push($showArray, $showInfo); } //for sort($showArray); //print_r($showArray); foreach ($showArray as $show) { //echo "show: " . $show[0] . "\n"; //add torrent $found =false; foreach($showdb as &$showEntry){ $showName = $showEntry[0]; if($showName==$show[1]){ $found=true; //echo "Found " . $show[1] . " in showdb \n"; $newSeason=$show[2]; $newEpisode=$show[3]; $lastSeason=$showEntry[1]; $lastEpisode=$showEntry[2]; //echo "--- " . $lastSeason . "x" . $lastEpisode . " -> " . $newSeason . "x" . $newEpisode ."\n"; if($lastSeason == $newSeason && $newEpisode > $lastEpisode){ if(downloadShow($show)){ $showEntry[2]= $newEpisode; echo "U " . $showEntry[0] . " " . $showEntry[1] . "x" . $showEntry[2] . "\n"; }else{ echo "F " . $showEntry[0] . " " . $showEntry[1] . "x" . $showEntry[2] . "\n"; } }elseif ($newSeason > $lastSeason ){ if(downloadShow($show)){ $showEntry[1]= $newSeason; $showEntry[2]= $newEpisode; echo "U+ " . $showEntry[0] . " " . $showEntry[1] . "x" . $showEntry[2] . "\n"; }else{ echo "F+ " . $showEntry[0] . " " . $showEntry[1] . "x" . $showEntry[2] . "\n"; } }else{ // echo "WTF " . $lastSeason . "x" . $lastEpisode . " -> " . $newSeason . "x" . $newEpisode ."\n"; } break; } } //set latest season/episode if ($found==false) { if(downloadShow($show)){ echo "A " . $show[1] . " " . $show[2] . "x" . $show[3] . "\n" ; $showDetails=array($show[1], $show[2], $show[3]); array_push($showdb, $showDetails); }else{ echo "F " . $show[1] . " " . $show[2] . "x" . $show[3] . "\n" ; } } } //save showdb to file //print_r($showdb); file_put_contents($DB_FILE_NAME,json_encode($showdb)); } //*************************************** // downloadShow //*************************************** function downloadShow($show){ global $baseURL,$sid, $TEMP_FOLDER, $DEST_FOLDER; $showAndEpisode = $show[1] . " " . $show[2] . "x" . $show[3]; //echo "D: " . $showAndEpisode . "\n"; //echo "L: " . $show[4] . "\n\n"; $temp=$TEMP_FOLDER; $dest=$DEST_FOLDER . "/" . $show[1]; $realDest = "/share/" . $dest; if (!file_exists($realDest)) { mkdir($realDest, 0777, true); } if($show[2]>0){ $dest=$dest . "/Season " . $show[2]; } //echo "Dest: " . $dest . "\n"; $realDest = "/share/" . $dest; if (!file_exists($realDest)) { mkdir($realDest, 0777, true); } $url = $baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Task/AddUrl?sid=' . $sid . '&temp=' . urlencode($temp) . '&move=' . urlencode($dest) . '&url=' . urlencode($show[4]); //echo "URL: " . $url . "\n"; $resp=file_get_contents($url); //echo $resp; if($resp=='{"error":0}'){ //sendNotification($showAndEpisode,"started"); return true; }else{ sendNotification($showAndEpisode,"failed"); return false; } } //*************************************** // sendNotification //*************************************** function sendNotification($showAndEpisode,$status){ global $EMAIL_SUBJECT_DOWNLOADED, $EMAIL_SUBJECT_STARTED,$EMAIL_SUBJECT_REMOVED, $EMAIL_SUBJECT_FAILED, $EMAIL_FROM, $EMAIL_TO; if($status == "started"){ $subject= "\"" . $EMAIL_SUBJECT_STARTED . $showAndEpisode . "\""; }else if($status == "downloaded"){ $subject= "\"" . $EMAIL_SUBJECT_DOWNLOADED . $showAndEpisode . "\""; }else if($status == "failed"){ $subject= "\"" . $EMAIL_SUBJECT_FAILED . $showAndEpisode . "\""; }else if($status == "removed"){ $subject= "\"" . $EMAIL_SUBJECT_REMOVED . $showAndEpisode . "\""; }else{ $subject= "\"" . "ERROR " . $showAndEpisode . "\""; } $cmd= getCwd() . "/sendEmail.sh " . $subject . " " . $EMAIL_FROM . " " . $EMAIL_TO . " " . $subject; shell_exec($cmd); } //*************************************** // removeCompleted //*************************************** function removeCompleted(){ global $baseURL, $sid, $EMAIL_TO, $EMAIL_FROM, $EMAIL_SUBJECT_DOWNLOADED; $resp=file_get_contents($baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Task/Query?start=0&limit=25&status=completed&from=0&to=25&sid=' . $sid); //echo $resp . "\n"; $json = json_decode($resp); $data = $json->{'data'}; //var_dump($data); file_put_contents("/var/log/download.log",$json,FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); //echo "CWD: " . getCwd() . "\n"; if(count($data)==0){ echo "- no completed downloads\n"; }else{ foreach($data as $torrent){ $name= $torrent->{'source_name'}; $hash=$torrent->{'hash'}; echo "removing torrent: " . $name . "\n"; //echo "hash: " . $hash . "\n"; if(endsWith($name,".torrent")){ // echo "torrent file - just delete\n"; }else{ sendNotification($name,"downloaded"); } //remove torrent $resp=file_get_contents($baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Task/Remove?clean=0&hash=' . $hash . '&sid=' . $sid); } } } //*************************************** // removeAll //*************************************** function removeAll(){ global $baseURL, $sid, $EMAIL_TO, $EMAIL_FROM, $EMAIL_SUBJECT_DOWNLOADED; $resp=file_get_contents($baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Task/Query?start=0&limit=100&status=all&from=0&to=100&sid=' . $sid); $json = json_decode($resp); $data = $json->{'data'}; if(count($data)==0){ echo "- no downloads\n"; }else{ foreach($data as $torrent){ $name= $torrent->{'source_name'}; $hash=$torrent->{'hash'}; if(endsWith($name,".torrent")){ // echo "torrent file - just delete\n"; }else{ echo "- " . $name . "\n"; //echo "file - notify completion\n"; //sendNotification($name,"removed"); } //remove torrent $resp=file_get_contents($baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Task/Remove?clean=0&hash=' . $hash . '&sid=' . $sid); } } } //*************************************** // listDownloads //*************************************** function listDownloads(){ global $baseURL, $sid; $resp=file_get_contents($baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Task/Query?start=0&limit=100&status=all&from=0&to=100&sid=' . $sid); //echo $resp . "\n"; $json = json_decode($resp); $data = $json->{'data'}; if(count($data)==0){ echo "- no downloads\n"; }else{ foreach($data as $torrent){ $name= $torrent->{'source_name'}; echo "torrent: " . $name . "\n"; } } } //*************************************** // loginToQnap //*************************************** function loginToQnap(){ global $baseURL, $pass; //login $vars = 'user=admin&pass=' . $pass; $ch = curl_init( $baseURL . '/downloadstation/V4/Misc/Login' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $vars); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $resp = curl_exec( $ch ); //echo $resp; $sid = json_decode($resp)->{'sid'}; //echo "sid='" . $sid . "'\n"; return $sid; } //*************************************** // endsWith //*************************************** function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); if ($length == 0) { return true; } return (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle); } //****************************************** // showUsage //****************************************** function showUsage(){ global $argv; echo "Usage: php " . $argv[0] . " download/removeCompleted/listDownloads/removeAll\n"; } ?>
sendEmail.sh Expand source
#!/bin/sh SUBJECT=$1 TO=$2 FROM=$3 CONTENT=$4 echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" echo "From: $FROM" echo "To: $TO" echo "CONTENT $CONTENT" echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" > mail.txt echo "From: $FROM" >> mail.txt echo "To: $TO" >> mail.txt echo "" >> mail.txt echo $CONTENT >> mail.txt cat mail.txt |sendmail -t #rm mail.txt