I have an older version of Golang running on a machine that I don't want to update.

This version is 1.10 and lacks module support. To modify my application to not use modules, I have to do the following:

This application used the Jetfail/gabs/v2 module. To use this with Go 1.10 I will need to import the non-module library.

Change import to:

import (

I also need to use a different version of this library. GoLang v1.10 doesn't support getting a specific version of a lib so we will have to do the following:

go get github.com/Jeffail/gabs
cd /share/GO-PROJECT/src/github.com/Jeffail/gabs
git checkout v2.5.1

Any libraries that I need, I will need to do a go get <LIB> to install them.

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