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kubectl cluster-info

Display Cluster Info
kubectl config viewDisplay Config

kubectl get pods

List all running pods
kubectl get servicesList all services
kubectl get nodesList all nodes

kubectl get deployments

Deployments view
kubectl get rcList replication controllers

kubectl get pods -o wide

List all pods in ps output format with more information (such as node name).

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

List all pods in all namespaces

kubectl logs <pod>

Display the logs for a service
kubectl logs -f <pod>Display the logs for a service

kubectl logs -n kube-system <system_pod>

Display logs for a system pod

kubectl exec -ti <POD-ID-HERE> bash -n kube-system

Log into a system pod

kubectl delete pod <POD> --grace-period=0 --forceForce delete a pod


kubectl create -f <yaml file>Create a deployment
kubectl delete -f <yaml file>Delete a deployment
kubectl apply -f <yaml file>Update a deployment
kubectl edit -f <yaml file>Edit and update a deployment

kubectl exec -it <pod> bash

log into a pod

kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/<deployment>

Scale the number of pods for a deployment

$ kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/cloudservice

kubectl scale --replicas=1 -f <yaml file>Scale the number of pods referenced in a yaml file

kubectl delete deployment <deployment>

Delete all pods for a deployment

kubectl delete pod <pod instance>

Delete a pod

kubectl expose deployment cloudservice --type=LoadBalancer --name=cloud

Expose deployment
