Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
Backlog rule1 1; rule2 1; rule3 1

Homebridge Integration


Code Block
    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "lightbulb",
    "name": "<name of lightbulb>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getOn": 	        "<topic to get the status>",
        "setOn": 	        "<topic to set the status>",
        "getBrightness": 	"<topic to get the brightness (optional)>",
        "setBrightness": 	"<topic to set the brightness (optional - if dimmable)>",
        "getHue": 	        "<topic to get the hue (optional)>",
        "setHue": 	        "<topic to set the hue (optional - if coloured)>",
        "getSaturation": 	"<topic to get the saturation (optional)>",
        "setSaturation": 	"<topic to set the saturation (optional - if coloured)>",
        "getHSV":           "<in HSV mode, topic to get comma-separated hue, saturation and value>",
        "setHSV":           "<in HSV mode, topic to set comma-separated hue, saturation and value>",
        "getRGB":           "<in RGB mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue>",
        "setRGB":           "<in RGB mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue>",
        "getRGBW":          "<in RGBW mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue, white>",
        "setRGBW":          "<in RGBW mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue, white>",
        "getRGBWW":         "<in RWGWW mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue, warm_white, cold_white>",
        "setRGBWW":         "<in RWGWW mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue, warm_white, cold_white>",
        "getWhite":         "<topic to get white level (0-255)> - used with getRGB for RGBW with separately-published white level",
        "setWhite":         "<topic to set white level (0-255)> - used with setRGB for RGBW with separately-published white level",
        "getColorTemperature": "<topic to report color temperature (optional)>",
        "setColorTemperature": "<topic to control color temperature (optional)>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
    "hex": "true to format combined RGB/RGBW in hexadecimal instead of as comma-separated decimals",
    "hexPrefix": "format combined RGB/RGBW in hexadecimal with specified prefix (typically '#') instead of as comma-separated decimals",
    "turnOffAfterms": "<milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>",
    "warmWhite": "in RGBWW mode, RGB value of warm white in format red,green,blue (optional)",
    "coldWhite": "in RGBWW mode, RGB value of cold white in format red,green,blue (optional)"
