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/* To make images responsive */ .res-img img { max-width:100%; height:auto; } |
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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */ /** * Collapsible tables * * Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See [[Help:Collapsing]]. * * @version 2.0.3 (2014-03-14) * @source https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-collapsibleTables.js * @author [[User:R. Koot]] * @author [[User:Krinkle]] * @deprecated Since MediaWiki 1.20: Use class="mw-collapsible" instead which * is supported in MediaWiki core. */ var autoCollapse = 2; if (wgUserLanguage == 'fr') { collapseCaption = "masquer"; expandCaption = "afficher"; } else { collapseCaption = "hide"; expandCaption = "show"; } var tableIndex = 0; function collapseTable( tableIndex ) { var Button = document.getElementById( 'collapseButton' + tableIndex ); var Table = document.getElementById( 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex ); if ( !Table || !Button ) { return false; } var Rows = Table.rows; var i; var $row0 = $(Rows[0]); if ( Button.firstChild.data === collapseCaption ) { for ( i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = 'none'; } Button.firstChild.data = expandCaption; } else { for ( i = 1; i < Rows.length; i++ ) { Rows[i].style.display = $row0.css( 'display' ); } Button.firstChild.data = collapseCaption; } } function createClickHandler( tableIndex ) { return function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); collapseTable( tableIndex ); }; } function createCollapseButtons( $content ) { var NavigationBoxes = {}; var $Tables = $content.find( 'table' ); var i; $Tables.each( function( i, table ) { if ( $(table).hasClass( 'collapsible' ) ) { /* only add button and increment count if there is a header row to work with */ var HeaderRow = table.getElementsByTagName( 'tr' )[0]; if ( !HeaderRow ) { return; } var Header = table.getElementsByTagName( 'th' )[0]; if ( !Header ) { return; } NavigationBoxes[ tableIndex ] = table; table.setAttribute( 'id', 'collapsibleTable' + tableIndex ); var Button = document.createElement( 'span' ); var ButtonLink = document.createElement( 'a' ); var ButtonText = document.createTextNode( collapseCaption ); // Styles are declared in [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] Button.className = 'collapseButton'; ButtonLink.style.color = Header.style.color; ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'id', 'collapseButton' + tableIndex ); ButtonLink.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); $( ButtonLink ).on( 'click', createClickHandler( tableIndex ) ); ButtonLink.appendChild( ButtonText ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '[' ) ); Button.appendChild( ButtonLink ); Button.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ']' ) ); Header.insertBefore( Button, Header.firstChild ); tableIndex++; } } ); for ( i = 0; i < tableIndex; i++ ) { if ( $( NavigationBoxes[i] ).hasClass( 'collapsed' ) || ( tableIndex >= autoCollapse && $( NavigationBoxes[i] ).hasClass( 'autocollapse' ) ) ) { collapseTable( i ); } else if ( $( NavigationBoxes[i] ).hasClass ( 'innercollapse' ) ) { var element = NavigationBoxes[i]; while ((element = element.parentNode)) { if ( $( element ).hasClass( 'outercollapse' ) ) { collapseTable ( i ); break; } } } } } mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( createCollapseButtons ); /** * Add support to mw-collapsible for autocollapse, innercollapse and outercollapse * * Maintainers: TheDJ */ function mwCollapsibleSetup( $collapsibleContent ) { var $element, $toggle, autoCollapseThreshold = 2; $.each( $collapsibleContent, function (index, element) { $element = $( element ); if ( $collapsibleContent.length > autoCollapseThreshold && $element.hasClass( 'autocollapse' ) ) { $element.data( 'mw-collapsible' ).collapse(); } else if ( $element.hasClass( 'innercollapse' ) ) { if ( $element.parents( '.outercollapse' ).length > 0 ) { $element.data( 'mw-collapsible' ).collapse(); } } $toggle = $element.find( '.mw-collapsible-toggle' ); if ( $toggle.length ) { // Make the toggle inherit text color if( $toggle.parent()[0].style.color ) { $toggle.find( 'a' ).css( 'color', 'inherit' ); } } } ); } mw.hook( 'wikipage.collapsibleContent' ).add( mwCollapsibleSetup ); /** * Dynamic Navigation Bars (experimental) * * Description: See [[Wikipedia:NavFrame]]. * Maintainers: UNMAINTAINED */ /* set up the words in your language */ var NavigationBarHide = '[' + collapseCaption + ']'; var NavigationBarShow = '[' + expandCaption + ']'; var indexNavigationBar = 0; /** * Shows and hides content and picture (if available) of navigation bars * Parameters: * indexNavigationBar: the index of navigation bar to be toggled **/ window.toggleNavigationBar = function ( indexNavigationBar, event ) { var NavToggle = document.getElementById( 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar ); var NavFrame = document.getElementById( 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar ); var NavChild; if ( !NavFrame || !NavToggle ) { return false; } /* if shown now */ if ( NavToggle.firstChild.data === NavigationBarHide ) { for ( NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild !== null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) { if ( $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavContent' ) || $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavPic' ) ) { NavChild.style.display = 'none'; } } NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarShow; /* if hidden now */ } else if ( NavToggle.firstChild.data === NavigationBarShow ) { for ( NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild !== null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) { if ( $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavContent' ) || $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavPic' ) ) { NavChild.style.display = 'block'; } } NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarHide; } event.preventDefault(); }; /* adds show/hide-button to navigation bars */ function createNavigationBarToggleButton( $content ) { var NavChild; /* iterate over all < div >-elements */ var $divs = $content.find( 'div' ); $divs.each( function ( i, NavFrame ) { /* if found a navigation bar */ if ( $( NavFrame ).hasClass( 'NavFrame' ) ) { indexNavigationBar++; var NavToggle = document.createElement( 'a' ); NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle'; NavToggle.setAttribute( 'id', 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar ); NavToggle.setAttribute( 'href', '#' ); $( NavToggle ).on( 'click', $.proxy( window.toggleNavigationBar, window, indexNavigationBar ) ); var isCollapsed = $( NavFrame ).hasClass( 'collapsed' ); /** * Check if any children are already hidden. This loop is here for backwards compatibility: * the old way of making NavFrames start out collapsed was to manually add style="display:none" * to all the NavPic/NavContent elements. Since this was bad for accessibility (no way to make * the content visible without JavaScript support), the new recommended way is to add the class * "collapsed" to the NavFrame itself, just like with collapsible tables. */ for ( NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild !== null && !isCollapsed; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) { if ( $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavPic' ) || $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavContent' ) ) { if ( NavChild.style.display === 'none' ) { isCollapsed = true; } } } if ( isCollapsed ) { for ( NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; NavChild !== null; NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling ) { if ( $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavPic' ) || $( NavChild ).hasClass( 'NavContent' ) ) { NavChild.style.display = 'none'; } } } var NavToggleText = document.createTextNode( isCollapsed ? NavigationBarShow : NavigationBarHide ); NavToggle.appendChild( NavToggleText ); /* Find the NavHead and attach the toggle link (Must be this complicated because Moz's firstChild handling is borked) */ for( var j = 0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++ ) { if ( $( NavFrame.childNodes[j] ).hasClass( 'NavHead' ) ) { NavToggle.style.color = NavFrame.childNodes[j].style.color; NavFrame.childNodes[j].appendChild( NavToggle ); } } NavFrame.setAttribute( 'id', 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar ); } } ); } mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( createNavigationBarToggleButton ); /* Bruno*/ function ModifySidebar(action, section, name, link) { //console.log("In ModifySidebar"); //console.log("action="+action); //console.log("section="+section); //console.log("name="+name); //console.log("link="+link); try { switch (section) { case "languages": var target = "p-lang"; break; case "toolbox": var target = "p-tb"; break; case "navigation": var target = "p-navigation"; break; default: var target = "p-" + section; break; } if (action == "add") { var node = document.getElementById(target) .getElementsByTagName('div')[0] .getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; var aNode = document.createElement('a'); var liNode = document.createElement('li'); aNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); aNode.setAttribute('href', link); liNode.appendChild(aNode); liNode.className='plainlinks'; node.appendChild(liNode); } if (action == "remove") { var list = document.getElementById(target) .getElementsByTagName('div')[0] .getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; var listelements = list.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var i = 0; i < listelements.length; i++) { if(listelements[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML == name || listelements[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href == link) { list.removeChild(listelements[i]); } } } } catch(e) { // lets just ignore what's happened return; } } jQuery( function( $ ) { /* your inline code to be executed after the page is loaded */ //console.log("CALLED"); if( wgUserLanguage == 'fr' ) { // // Adds [[Special:RecentChanges]] to toolbox. // ModifySidebar( "add", "toolbox", "Modifications récentes", "/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges" ); // // Adds [[Special:Random]] to toolbox. // ModifySidebar( "add", "toolbox", "Une page au hasard", "/index.php?title=Special:Random" ); } else { // // Adds [[Special:RecentChanges]] to toolbox. // ModifySidebar( "add", "toolbox", "Recent changes", "/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges" ); // // Adds [[Special:Random]] to toolbox. // ModifySidebar( "add", "toolbox", "Random page", "/index.php?title=Special:Random" ); } } ); mw.config.set( 'wgULSAcceptLanguageList',["en","fr"] ); localStorage.setItem( 'uls-previous-languages',JSON.stringify(["en","fr"]) ); if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')==6 && mw.config.get('wgAction')=='view') { mw.loader.load('/resources/IME/ime.js'); //mw.loader.load('//tools.wmflabs.org/imagemapedit/ime.js'); } //mw.loader.load('/resources/IME/imagemapve.js'); |