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Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# -----------
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Copyright (c) 2022 Troy Williams

# uuid       = e577e81c-f938-11ec-9c1a-0d95d112ee30
# author     = Troy Williams
# email      =
# date       = 2022-07-01
# -----------

# This script will take the video and correct the creation time issue with it.
# It assumes that the the creation time did not have the proper timezone set.
# This means that other programs will attempt to convert from GMT/Zulu time and
# get the wrong time stamp.

# This script assumes that the video has the correct local time, but was
# inserted without a timezone. It will extract that time, and configure it as a
# local time. It will then convert the local time properly to UTC +00:00 and
# write it back to the video.

# Generally this script would be executed before the `` script.

#NOTE: This script should only be run if the timestamps stored in the video are
#not correctly set to UTC time.

# Usage:

# List the creation time and what it would be in local time:
# $ ./ GX013443.MP4

# Write the corrected local time to the video.
# $ ./ GX013443.MP4 --update

# Write the corrected local time to the video.and overwrite the existing file
# $ ./ GX013443.MP4 --update --over-write

# loop through files in a folder:
# $ for FILE in ./2022-06-28/*; do ./ "${FILE}"; done
# $ for FILE in ./2022-06-28/*; do ./ "${FILE}" --update; done
# $ for FILE in ./2022-06-28/*; do ./ "${FILE}" --update --over-write; done

# Requirements:

# JSON parser: $ sudo apt install jq

# References


# ----------------
# Set the script to halt on errors
set -e

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    echo "USAGE: $ 1./correct_times video.mp4 --update --over-write"
    exit 1

# Get the movie name

echo "${MOVIE}"
# need to use raw mode `-r` in jq call to return a raw string otherwise it will be trouble to deal with
CREATED=$(ffprobe -loglevel 0 -print_format json -show_format -show_streams "${MOVIE}" | jq -r .format.tags.creation_time)

if [[ -z "${CREATED}" ]]; then
    echo "ERROR - No creation_time in metadata! ${MOVIE}"
    exit 1

echo "Video Create Time (Zulu):  ${CREATED}"

# Convert the creation time to local time
LOCALTIME=$(date --date="${CREATED}" "+%FT%T %z (%Z)")
echo "Video Create Time (local): ${LOCALTIME}"

echo "--------"
# strip the timezone from the string
STRIPPED=$(TZ=UTC date --date="${CREATED}" "+%FT%T")
echo "Video Create Time (without timezone):${STRIPPED}"

# Express the string in the local timezone
TO_LOCAL=$(date --date="${STRIPPED}" "+%FT%T %z (%Z)")
echo "Video Create Time (to local):${TO_LOCAL}"

echo "--------"
# convert the local time string to UTC
CONVERTED=$(TZ=UTC date --date="${TO_LOCAL}" "+%FT%T.%6NZ") # this is the correct time string
echo "Video Create Time (to UTC):${CONVERTED}"

# Video Create Time (Zulu):  2022-06-28T12:34:27.000000Z
# Video Create Time (local): 2022-06-28T08:34:27 -0400 (EDT)
# --------
# Video Create Time (without timezone):2022-06-28T12:34:27
# Video Create Time (to local):2022-06-28T12:34:27 -0400 (EDT)
# --------
# Video Create Time (to UTC):2022-06-28T16:34:27.000000Z

# -----------


if [ "${2:-"invalid"}" == "--update" ]; then

    # Write the converted timezone to the video
    echo "Updating metadata ${MOVIE} -> ${OUTPUT}"
    ffmpeg -i "${MOVIE}" -c copy -metadata creation_time="${CONVERTED}" "${OUTPUT}"

    if [ "${3:-"invalid"}" == "--over-write" ]; then

        echo "Moving ${OUTPUT} -> ${MOVIE}"
        mv "${OUTPUT}" "${MOVIE}"

        echo "To overwrite the existing video, use --over-write"

    echo "To update the metadata use --update"
Code Block