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Table of Contents

Create an Azure Sentinel Instance

Getting Started

Once we have created an account in Azure, we can create a sentinel instance. See

Login via:

You will first need to first search for Sentinel and then create a workspace. Then you can add a sentinel instance to your workspace.


Data Collection

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Azure Sentinel has a number of connectors that can be used to send data and logs to Azure.

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Kubernetes Connector

We can use fluent-bit's build in azure connector to send data to Azure. See Fluentbit to Azure Analytics.


Code Block
$ sudo /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall

# Purge - might be the better way to uninstall
$ wget -O && sudo sh --purge

Querying the Logs

From the Log screen, we can create queries to search our logs.

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Query Examples

Code Block
| where Facility in ("authpriv","auth")
| extend c = extract( "Accepted\\s(publickey|password|keyboard-interactive/pam)\\sfor ([^\\s]+)",1,SyslogMessage)
| where isnotempty(c)
| count 

| where Facility in ("authpriv","auth")
| where SyslogMessage contains "authentication failure "
| count 

// Search in multiple tables 
// Search both Syslog and Event tables for the term "login". 
search in (Syslog, Event) "authentication failure"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h) // return records from the last 24 hours

// All Syslog with errors 
// Last 100 Syslog with erros. 
| where SeverityLevel == "err" or  SeverityLevel == "error"
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc

//login errors
| where SeverityLevel == "err" or  SeverityLevel == "error"
| where Facility  == "auth"
| where SyslogMessage contains "kex_exchange_identification"

//any auth errors
| where SeverityLevel == "err" or  SeverityLevel == "error"
| where Facility  == "auth"
| count

//failed login
| where Facility  == "auth"
| where SyslogMessage contains "Failed password"
| order by EventTime asc  
| count

//failed login with extraction of fields
| where Facility  == "auth"
| where SyslogMessage contains "Failed password"
| extend user = extract("Failed password for invalid user (.*) from (.*) port (.*) (.*)", 1, SyslogMessage, typeof(string))  
| extend remoteIp = extract("Failed password for invalid user (.*) from (.*) port (.*) (.*)", 2, SyslogMessage, typeof(string))  
| extend port = extract("Failed password for invalid user (.*) from (.*) port (.*) (.*)", 3, SyslogMessage, typeof(string))  
| extend protocol = extract("Failed password for invalid user (.*) from (.*) port (.*) (.*)", 4, SyslogMessage, typeof(string))  
| order by EventTime asc 

//kubernetes logs gathered using fluent-bit
| where kubernetes_labels_app_s contains "ubuntu"
| where log_s contains "Failed password"
