Shortcut Keys

IntelliJ Mac Cheatsheet:

Helpful Commands

Key Command

How to access


Shift, Shift
Search everywhere
CMD Shift FMenu → Edit → Find → Find in PathFind in path
CMD - <click on method>
Go to usage or open dialog with usages
CMD - bRight Mouse Click → Goto → DeclarationGo to declaration
Shift CMD F8
ALT Enter
Add Import (click on class to import and hit ALT-Enter)
Comment out line(s)
Java Doc
CMD - nMenu → Code → GenerateGenerate - generate getters/setters, etc..
CTRL - oMenu → Code → Override MethodsOverride Methods
CTRL - i
Implement Methods
CTRL-ALT-oMenu → Code → Optimize ImportsOptimize Imports
CMD [Menu → Navigate → BackBack
CMD ]Menu → Navigate → ForwardForward
CMD - zMenu → Edit → UndoUndo
CMD - Shift - zMenu → Edit → RedoRedo
CMD - Down ArrowRight Mouse (on project/module) → "Open Module Settings"Module Settings: specify source folders, paths and dependencies.
NARight Mouse→Git → HistoryGit History
NARight Mouse → Git → AnnotationsGit Annotations - see who changed what line in file.
ALT - F7Right Mouse - Find UsagesShow Usages - show what classes use this class.


Disable Reformat on Paste

Clear Cache

If you get funny behaviour in your IDE, you can invalid the cache!

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