Cosign is a command line utility that can sign and verify software artifact, such as container images and blobs.
In Kubernetes, we can use FluxCD and Kyverno to verify Helmcharts and Docker images respectively.
wget https://github.com/sigstore/cosign/releases/download/v2.2.3/cosign-darwin-arm64 chmod +x cosign-darwin-arm64 sudo cp cosign-darwin-arm64 /usr/local/bin/cosign
Signing a Blob
> cosign sign-blob <file> --bundle cosign.bundle
Using payload from: gotk-components.yaml Generating ephemeral keys... Retrieving signed certificate... The sigstore service, hosted by sigstore a Series of LF Projects, LLC, is provided pursuant to the Hosted Project Tools Terms of Use, available at https://lfprojects.org/policies/hosted-project-tools-terms-of-use/. Note that if your submission includes personal data associated with this signed artifact, it will be part of an immutable record. This may include the email address associated with the account with which you authenticate your contractual Agreement. This information will be used for signing this artifact and will be stored in public transparency logs and cannot be removed later, and is subject to the Immutable Record notice at https://lfprojects.org/policies/hosted-project-tools-immutable-records/. By typing 'y', you attest that (1) you are not submitting the personal data of any other person; and (2) you understand and agree to the statement and the Agreement terms at the URLs listed above. Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/N] y Your browser will now be opened to: https://oauth2.sigstore.dev/auth/auth?access_type=online&client_id=sigstore&code_challenge=1cboQoe9SlmimuCDgYZheH1MrByX9epG7ceMPs9uKWg&code_challenge_method=S256&nonce=2ddexWMzBTyUEvDVBOwx9Mb15Zc&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A64841%2Fauth%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid+email&state=2ddexTMg9MYyDZlV9aKb6QkSLWn Successfully verified SCT... using ephemeral certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- tlog entry created with index: 77825201 using ephemeral certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- Wrote bundle to file cosign.bundle MEQCIEI2pfffhoN3xAFLF0ffuACLk00Z4NVr6XlLFUFOlTT+AiAXivuc3Zja7e4hjR3r63NOlZ9pvysWoaB3CADNaCMmAQ==
cosign verify-blob gotk-components.yaml --bundle cosign.bundle --certificate-identity=jmehan@yahoo.com --certificate-oidc-issuer=https://github.com/login/oauth
Verified OK
Generating a Key Pair
cosign generate-key-pair
Enter password for private key: Enter password for private key again: Private key written to cosign.key Public key written to cosign.pub
Signing and Verifying a Container
Get the digest of the image
docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink:22.0.1-3868980
cosign sign --key cosign.key ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink@sha256:2fbb556a6a2b68466def031067c18411693c6a9f3b5e4b16c1677e28c0029172
Enter password for private key: WARNING: "ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink" appears to be a private repository, please confirm uploading to the transparency log at "https://rekor.sigstore.dev" Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/N] y The sigstore service, hosted by sigstore a Series of LF Projects, LLC, is provided pursuant to the Hosted Project Tools Terms of Use, available at https://lfprojects.org/policies/hosted-project-tools-terms-of-use/. Note that if your submission includes personal data associated with this signed artifact, it will be part of an immutable record. This may include the email address associated with the account with which you authenticate your contractual Agreement. This information will be used for signing this artifact and will be stored in public transparency logs and cannot be removed later, and is subject to the Immutable Record notice at https://lfprojects.org/policies/hosted-project-tools-immutable-records/. By typing 'y', you attest that (1) you are not submitting the personal data of any other person; and (2) you understand and agree to the statement and the Agreement terms at the URLs listed above. Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/N] y tlog entry created with index: 77828277 Pushing signature to: ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink
View Container in Azure
Verify Signature
cosign verify --key cosign.pub ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink@sha256:2fbb556a6a2b68466def031067c18411693c6a9f3b5e4b16c1677e28c0029172
Verification for ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink@sha256:2fbb556a6a2b68466def031067c18411693c6a9f3b5e4b16c1677e28c0029172 -- The following checks were performed on each of these signatures: - The cosign claims were validated - Existence of the claims in the transparency log was verified offline - The signatures were verified against the specified public key
[ { "critical": { "identity": { "docker-reference": "ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cybersecuritydome/kafka-azure-sink" }, "image": { "docker-manifest-digest": "sha256:2fbb556a6a2b68466def031067c18411693c6a9f3b5e4b16c1677e28c0029172" }, "type": "cosign container image signature" }, "optional": { "Bundle": { "SignedEntryTimestamp": "MEUCIQCt8OCvcaUzKeee109JVEOTOx+2DEKA5SCEd5R/BaXA1QIgI91Ebfv6MEx5F2OW05yU8kSxS3kwrXAP5/beU7CQBc0=", "Payload": { "body": "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", "integratedTime": 1710344087, "logIndex": 77828277, "logID": "c0d23d6ad406973f9559f3ba2d1ca01f84147d8ffc5b8445c224f98b9591801d" } } } } ]
Signing and Verifying a Helm Chart
Assuming you have pushed a helm chart to your oci repository
helm push <app-name>-<app-version>.tgz oci://<registry-host>/<org>/charts
cosign sign --key cosign.key <registry-host>/<org>/charts/<app-name>:<app-version> ex: cosign sign --key cosign.key ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/charts/kowl:22.0.1-4040670
Add the public key to the cluster
kubectl -n flux-system create secret generic cosign-pub --from-file=cosign.pub=cosign.pub ex: cd ~/cosign kubectl -n ncyd-flux create secret generic cosign-pub --from-file=cosign.pub=cosign.pub
Modify helmrelease to verify the helmchart
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta2 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: <app-name> spec: interval: 1h chart: spec: chart: <app-name> version: <app-version> sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: helm-charts verify: provider: cosign secretRef: name: cosign-pub
When using a customization override
--- # set $patch: delete to exclude from installation #$patch: delete apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: kowl namespace: ncyd-flux spec: chart: spec: version: '22.0.1-4040670' verify: provider: cosign secretRef: name: cosign-pub values: imagePullSecrets: - name: regcred image: registry: ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io
Reconcile and watch for events in the namespace
flux reconcile kustomization ncyd-flux -n ncyd-flux kubectl events -n ncyd-flux --watch
Error from source-controller logs:
chart verification error: not implemented {"level":"error","ts":"2024-03-14T15:19:53.977Z","msg":"Reconciler error","controller":"helmchart","controllerGroup":"source.toolkit.fluxcd.io","controllerKind":"HelmChart","HelmChart":{"name":"ncyd-flux-kowl","namespace":"ncyd-flux"},"namespace":"ncyd-flux","name":"ncyd-flux-kowl","reconcileID":"d103f844-f750-49cf-ba56-a631037fd585","error":"chart verification error: not implemented"}
I think we need to define an oci repository. Currently we have a helm repository.
Definen OCI Repository
Use it..
--- # set $patch: delete to exclude from installation #$patch: delete apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: kowl namespace: ncyd-flux spec: chart: spec: version: '22.0.1-4040670' sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: ncyd-oci-virtual verify: provider: cosign secretRef: name: cosign-pub values: imagePullSecrets: - name: regcred image: registry: ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io
If the signature is bad
> kubectl events -n ncyd-flux --watch 0s (x4 over 20s) Warning ChartVerificationError HelmChart/ncyd-flux-kowl chart verification error: failed to verify oci://ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/charts/kowl:22.0.1-4042072: no matching signatures: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature > f logs -f source-controller-f7dbc4597-vwwj2 {"level":"error","ts":"2024-03-15T16:08:05.400Z","msg":"Reconciler error","controller":"helmchart","controllerGroup":"source.toolkit.fluxcd.io","controllerKind":"HelmChart","HelmChart":{"name":"ncyd-flux-kowl","namespace":"ncyd-flux"},"namespace":"ncyd-flux","name":"ncyd-flux-kowl","reconcileID":"c29c0b58-cf10-4d1d-a290-ecb997acf1ac","error":"chart verification error: failed to verify oci://ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/charts/kowl:22.0.1-4042072: no matching signatures: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature"}
Process for Using Cosign with HelmCharts in Flux
- Need to generate keys
cosign generate-key-pair
- Need to store public key in k8s
kubectl -n flux-system create secret generic cosign-pub --from-file=cosign.pub=cosign.pub ex: cd ~/cosign kubectl -n ncyd-flux create secret generic cosign-pub --from-file=cosign.pub=cosign.pub
- Need to use OCI helmrepository
--- apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: HelmRepository metadata: name: ncyd-oci-virtual namespace: ncyd-flux spec: type: "oci" interval: 1m0s secretRef: name: regcred url: oci://ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/charts
- Need to sign helmchart
cosign sign --key cosign.key <registry-host>/<org>/charts/<app-name>:<app-version> ex: cosign sign --key cosign.key ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/charts/kowl:22.0.1-4040670
- Need to update helm releases to use OCI and reference cosign public key
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: kowl namespace: ncyd-flux spec: chart: spec: sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: ncyd-oci-virtual verify: provider: cosign secretRef: name: cosign-pub values: ...
Signing and Verifying Images
Install Kyverno
helm repo add kyverno https://kyverno.github.io/kyverno/ helm repo update helm install -n ncyd-flux kyverno kyverno/kyverno
Update the kyverno deployment
f edit deployment/kyverno-admission-controller
containers: - args: ... - --imagePullSecrets=regcred
Create Policy:
apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1 kind: Policy metadata: name: check-image spec: validationFailureAction: Enforce background: false webhookTimeoutSeconds: 30 failurePolicy: Fail rules: - name: check-image match: any: - resources: kinds: - Pod verifyImages: - imageReferences: - "ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cloudhut/kowl:*" attestors: - count: 1 entries: - keys: publicKeys: |- -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE6887939UfT9OPMHvST7OBfT1xAva iRPbB1Hyar+nFCUWVvX7EviEPLxTZRNQ2A4OPKAkDo1e3HI8OFTr9ZAIyQ== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
The public key may either be defined in the policy directly or reference a standard Kubernetes Secret elsewhere in the cluster by specifying it in the format
. The named Secret must specify a keycosign.pub
containing the public key used for verification. Secrets may also be referenced using thesecret{}
object. Seekubectl explain clusterpolicy.spec.rules.verifyImages.attestors.entries.keys
for more details on the supported key options.
> kubectl events -n ncyd-flux --watch 0s Warning error HelmRelease/kowl Helm install failed: 1 error occurred: * admission webhook "mutate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request: resource Deployment/ncyd/kowl was blocked due to the following policies check-image: autogen-check-image: 'failed to verify image ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cloudhut/kowl:v1.5.0: .attestors[0].entries[0].keys: GET https://ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/oauth2/token?scope=repository%!A(MISSING)cloudhut%!F(MISSING)kowl%!A(MISSING)pull&service=ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io: UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.' Last Helm logs: 0s Warning error HelmRelease/kowl reconciliation failed: Helm install failed: 1 error occurred: * admission webhook "mutate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request: resource Deployment/ncyd/kowl was blocked due to the following policies check-image: autogen-check-image: 'failed to verify image ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/cloudhut/kowl:v1.5.0: .attestors[0].entries[0].keys: GET https://ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/oauth2/token?scope=repository%!A(MISSING)cloudhut%!F(MISSING)kowl%!A(MISSING)pull&service=ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io: UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.'
Script to Sign Helm Charts and Docker Images
#!/bin/bash #source optional env file set -a . ~/cosign/env set -e +a #************ SAMPLE ENV FILE ************ #BUILD="22.0.1-4040670" #SRE_BUILD="23.2.0-3610795" #OCI_REPO="xxx.azurecr.io" #OCI_REPO_USERNAME=xxx #OCI_REPO_PASSWORD="xxx" #COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY="-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED SIGSTORE PRIVATE KEY----- #... #-----END ENCRYPTED SIGSTORE PRIVATE KEY-----" #COSIGN_PUBLIC_KEY="-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- #... #-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" export COSIGN_PASSWORD="" signArtifact () { cosign sign --yes --key env://COSIGN_PRIVATE_KEY \ --registry-username="${OCI_REPO_USERNAME}" \ --registry-password="${OCI_REPO_PASSWORD}" \ ${OCI_REPO}/$1 } verifyArtifact(){ cosign verify --key env://COSIGN_PUBLIC_KEY \ --registry-username="${OCI_REPO_USERNAME}" \ --registry-password="${OCI_REPO_PASSWORD}" \ ${OCI_REPO}/$1 >/dev/null } source images.src source charts.src images=(${images[@]}) charts=(${charts[@]}) requiredBins=( "cosign" ) for bin in "${requiredBins[@]}"; do if ! command -v ${bin} &> /dev/null then echo "Required command ${bin} could not be found, please install and re-run" exit fi done echo echo "==================" echo "SIGNING CHARTS" echo "==================" for chart in "${charts[@]}"; do chartName=`echo ${chart}|sed 's/:.*//'` chartVersion=`echo ${chart}|sed -e 's/.*://'` echo "ChartName: ${chartName}" echo "ChartVersion: ${chartVersion}" echo "------------------" signArtifact charts/${chartName}:${chartVersion} verifyArtifact charts/${chartName}:${chartVersion} echo "------------------" done echo echo "==================" echo "SIGNING IMAGES" echo "==================" for image in "${images[@]}"; do imageNameAndVersion=`echo $image |sed 's:[^/]*/\(.*\):\1:'` imageName=`echo ${imageNameAndVersion}|sed -e 's/:.*//'` imageVersion=`echo ${imageNameAndVersion}|sed -e 's/.*://'` echo "Image Name: ${imageName}" echo "Image Version: ${imageVersion}" echo "------------------" signArtifact ${imageName}:${imageVersion} verifyArtifact ${imageName}:${imageVersion} echo "------------------" done echo "" echo "DONE!"
images=( pkg/fluent-bit:$BUILD" )
charts=( "mychart:$BUILD" "ckaf/kafka/rocky8:8.4.2-7.3.1-7486" )
Helpful Scripts
Install latest helm
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash
Login to Helm Registry
helm registry login ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io --username ncydacrinprogress --password xxx
Push Chart
helm push ssh-server-0.1.0.tgz oci://ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io/charts
List artifacts in Azure Container Registry
az acr login --name ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io -u ncydacrinprogress -p xxxx az acr repository list --name ncydacrinprogress.azurecr.io -u ncydacrinprogress -p xxxx -o tsv
acm/agent acm/block-provider acm/frontend acm/maria-db acm/mockserver acm/server atlassian/jira-software azuremonitor/containerinsights/ciprod bats/bats bitnami/nginx ...
Using ORAS
brew install oras
oras login ${OCI_REPO} --username ${OCI_REPO_USERNAME} --password ${OCI_REPO_PASSWORD}
List Artifacts
oras repo ls ${OCI_REPO}/
Get Latest Tag
oras repo tags ${OCI_REPO}/${artifact} | tail -n 1
Reference | URL |
Cosign Quickstart | https://docs.sigstore.dev/signing/quickstart/ |
Prove the Authenticity of OCI Artifacts | https://fluxcd.io/blog/2022/10/prove-the-authenticity-of-oci-artifacts/ |
Signing and Verifying OCI Artifacts | https://fluxcd.io/flux/cheatsheets/oci-artifacts/#signing-and-verification |
Security: Image Provenance | https://fluxcd.io/blog/2022/02/security-image-provenance/ |
Sign and Verify Container Images with Docker, Cosign, and Kyverno: A Complete Guide | https://medium.com/@seifeddinerajhi/sign-and-verify-container-images-with-cosign-and-kyverno-a-complete-guide-b32b1f6e6264 |
Sigstore | https://kyverno.io/docs/writing-policies/verify-images/sigstore/ |